As the multimedia manager at 9Marks, I have the joy and privilege of overseeing and editing all our podcasts. Out of the 100ish episodes we’ve released this year, here are my top 10. I hope these resources will continue to bless our listeners.

10. Preachers Talk Episode 63: On Preaching in Diverse International Contexts, with John Folmar

If you want to be encouraged at what the Lord is doing through his Word in the Middle East, listen to this interview with John Folmar. John has been in Dubai as the senior pastor of Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai for many years, and he shares some of the challenges and joys of preparing sermons every week for such a diverse context.

9. Bible Talk Episode 82: On Opening Up Your Mind to Something You’ve Never Considered—Or, the Weirdest Episode of Bible Talk Yet

To be honest, I was a little skeptical of this episode. . . But I think pastors would be well equipped by listening to this conversation from Alex Duke, Sam Emadi, and Jim Hamilton about how we get our Old Testament order and why they think 1 and 2 Samuel should come before Ruth.

8. Pastors Talk Episode

To the full-length post originally published on this site.