We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2023 that helped you be a better pastor? We’ve curated their responses below. (See our 2022 list here, 2020 list here, 2019 list here, 2018 list here, 2017 list here.)  

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Made for Friendship, by Drew Hunter 

“A wonderful blend of theological instruction and practical applications. It was extremely helpful to think about my own friendships, encouraged me to be a better friend, and grew my appreciation for the Friend of friends, Jesus Christ.” – Dave Kiehn, lead pastor of Park Baptist Church in Rock Hill, SC. 


The Existence and Attributes of God: Updated and Unabridged, by Stephen Charnock (Edited by Mark Jones) 

“I remember hearing John MacArthur saying this was one of his favorite books. Charnock’s book is time tested and helped me see the greatness and beauty of God. I read a few pages every day and found my heart warmed by its theological depth, Christ-centeredness, and practical uses (applications).” – Alex Hong, pastor of Christian Fellowship Bible Church in West

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.