Logos users, you’ve got a lot to look at today. You’ve got until January 6 to save through the 12 Days of Logos sale. Then you’ve also got a New Year’s Sale and this month’s free and nearly-free books which include some really solid titles. So have at it!

To the New and Nervous Scripture Reader

“I heard you set a goal for the new year to read Scripture more faithfully. That’s great! But I was also told that now you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. You want to be in the Word, but you’re just not quite sure how that’s going to work. I get it; and if I could, I’d like to offer you a couple of pieces of advice.” The advice is good!

Anchors for the Soul: The Cloud of Witnesses and the Crowd of Witnesses

Andy Stearns writes about the worst year of his life and helpfully distinguishes between the cloud and the crowd of witnesses. “2023 was a terrible year for me and my family. One of the worst things that could happen, did. Yes, I recognize that every bad situation could be worse. I recognize that

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.