Equipping God’s People to Speak the Truth in Love 

Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:11-16 that God’s calling for church leaders is to equip God’s people to speak the truth in love so we all mature in Christ. 

Doing the work of the ministry is wonderful.

Equipping others to do the work of the ministry is vital.

In Equipping Biblical Counselors: A Guide to Discipling Believers for One-Another Ministry, I provide an easy to replicate, four-stage process for equipping biblical counselors and one-another ministers in your church.

15 Biblical Counseling Leaders Recommend Equipping Biblical Counselors

There are people sitting in your church that don’t realize the potential they have to impact lives. There are police officers, psychologists, physicians, teachers, nurses, and moms who are now biblical counselor/disciple makers who would never have imagined that they could be used by the Lord to save marriages, help others deal with unruly emotions and desires, and grow to be Christlike worshipers. Bob skillfully provides a user-friendly biblical strategy for how to train more like them by unleashing the potential of your church through training disciple makers. Personal, impactful ministry is not just for the professionals and Bob shows you why and how. Ernie Baker,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.