The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: I Feel At Home in Your Church)

Five Fears of Old Age: Finishing Our Race by Future Grace

John Piper has written a powerful and comforting article for older Christians. “Dear older saint, I need to join you in the fight against the fears of aging, and to do so by faith in future grace. There are five fears that we will likely walk through together. God has given us antidotes for each in his word. These antidotes work through faith, and without faith they won’t work. But by faith they will work, and fear will be overcome, and we will go to be with Jesus in due time without walking in fear during our last season. That’s my confidence.”

I Changed My Mind About Social Media: Why I Decided to Quit

Reagan Rose explains why he decided to permanently quit social media. And while none of us are obliged to follow his example, we’d all do well to at least consider his reasoning. “In this post, I will explain what led me to this decision, why I didn’t do it sooner, and specifically

To the full-length post originally published on this site.