May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

I continue to add Kindle deals day by day as they become available. That includes a few new ones today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Discerning in Doctrine But Not Discerning in Character)

Reflections on the Evangelical Fracturing, Ten Years In

Jake Meador offers some interesting reflections on the evangelical fracturing that has taken place over the past 10 years. “Not only has reformed evangelicalism lost the steady leadership provided for so long by Piper, Keller, and Don Carson, but it has lost much else besides. Due to the past ten years, reformed evangelicals have also lost the underlying modes of thought and the specific contexts that helped to shape those men in the first place while at the same time losing the men who were the most obvious successors to the Baby Boomer generation of YRR leaders.”

New Year, Old You: Do Liturgical Calendars Help?

Stephen McAlpine considers the fact that a growing number of Protestants are now following the liturgical calendar and asks, “Is a liturgical calendar the primary how the Scriptures teach us to think about the way we are to live our lives as Christians? Or

To the full-length post originally published on this site.