It was a dark and stormy night—no, really, it was. Our neighborhood was having a big cookout, and we had invited some neighbors in hopes of having spiritual conversations. But due to the bad weather, they decided to cancel. I was discouraged and seriously considered staying home where I’d be dry and comfortable. 

I pulled on my rain jacket and went anyway. 

In God’s providence, I ended up having a good spiritual conversation with another neighbor whom I then invited to church—all because I showed up with evangelistic intent at a place where my neighbors were gathered. 

I don’t consider myself the world’s greatest evangelist. But I’ve tried to be faithful, and I’ve learned a few things over the years about reaching our neighbors with the gospel. Let me begin by sharing some thoughts on how we won’t reach them. 

How We Won’t Reach Our Neighbors 

We Won’t Reach Our Neighbors with Wishful Thinking 

“If you build it, they will come.” That was true for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, and it may have been true for many generations

To the full-length post originally published on this site.