Several years ago, my wife and I met a single mother of one of our kid’s friends at school. Over the next year, she joined our family for numerous meals, we celebrated birthday parties together, and we became fast friends. Over time, we had chances to share the gospel with her, pray with her as she navigated family challenges, and read through the Gospel of Mark together. She read the Scriptures, asked good questions, and was sorting out who Jesus is and how she would respond to him. My wife and I prayed and prayed that God would change her heart and open her eyes. 

One day, she called to say that it “clicked.” Christianity finally made sense to her, and she wanted to come over to talk about it. After waiting and hoping for so long, we were thrilled. That is, until she told us that she’d found a preacher on the internet who really spoke to her and helped her understand how God wanted her to have her best life now. Our hearts had soared. Now they sunk. No matter how much we tried to warn her, it did no good. She was convinced.
To the full-length post originally published on this site.