All pastoring and parenting is hard. But some situations may be more difficult than others. I pastor a small church and parent children with special needs, and both can feel especially daunting.

For those in the same boat as me, I urge you to be faithful in the ordinary aspects of life and ministry, and to run to the Lord who has given you these immense responsibilities. Here are a few other things I’ve learned about living faithfully.


Yes, you are a pastor. Yes, you are a father. But never forget: you’re also a disciple—and simply a human. So “keep watch over yourself” (Acts 20:28).

Whenever you can, sleep and eat well, exercise, and find ways to relax. Tend to your own soul, develop friendships. Cultivate relationships with your fellow elders, others local pastors, or just wise Christian friends. You need regular reminders you are not alone.

Amidst all this, don’t forget to care for your wife. She bears a unique burden while you shepherd the flock. Give her every opportunity for time by herself to reset and recharge. Seek to “live with [her] in an understanding way” (1 Pet. 3:7).

Both your church and family will suffer if you

To the full-length post originally published on this site.