My gratitude goes to Coram Deo Pastor’s Conference for sponsoring the blog this week. It is coming up soon and will feature the preaching of Kevin DeYoung, John Piper, Carl Trueman, H.B. Charles Jr., and others. You can’t go wrong with a lineup like that!

Today’s Kindle deals include some newer books and some older ones.

(Yesterday on the blog: God’s Goodness in a Cruel World)

Wherever He Leads, He’ll Go

Glenna Marshall reflects on youthful promises of obedience. “I liked the idea of promising obedience, of telling the Lord that nothing in this world would be dearer to me than obeying Him. In young, untried faith, I nearly invited him to test me, telling him in a long, journaled prayer that wherever he led, I would most certainly go. I banked on my obedience. I would be stalwart, no matter what came.” But she didn’t know what would come.

Britain’s Loneliest Sheep

“A high-profile new resident arrived in Dumfries and Galloway recently – a ewe once known as ‘Britain’s Loneliest Sheep’. Fiona, as she has been named, was rescued after being stranded for more than two

To the full-length post originally published on this site.