Good morning. May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
The Kindle deals continue today!
Westminster Books is offering deals on children’s books this week, including a sweet new one from Jonathan Gibson.
Can Christians Buy Expensive Things?
Probably all of us have wondered this at one time or another, whether to justify our own purchases or to pass condemnation on someone else’s.
Is the Pope Catholic? Then These Christians Say Don’t Pray with Him.
I admire pastor Leonardo De Chirico and appreciate the stand he is taking in Rome. (You may need to have a free account at CT to read this one.)
The Biggest Problem in Worship Education
I found this a really interesting one from Matthew Westerholm. He discusses how worship education (and, specifically, training people to lead worship in churches) has changed over the years.
Big Dreams Impress. Ordinary Faithfulness Delivers.
“Show me a big dream if you’d like, but what really impresses me is the ordinary faithfulness of hidden saints.” Amen!
Our Limits Are a Gift From God
“I admire people who know how
To the full-length post originally published on this site.