Grace and peace to you, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of discounts that are going to expire tomorrow.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Freak of Nature (and Nurture))

Is It Ever Right to Lie? A God-Centered Approach

Is it ever right to lie? This article answers the question quite thoroughly.

Outside the Gospels, What Can We Really Know About Jesus?

This article discusses some of the evidence for Jesus that comes from outside the four gospels.

When the “Perfect!” Fit Isn’t

“There seems to be an awful lot of Perfect! going on these days, at least in my part of the world. I told my server at a restaurant that I wanted fries and steamed broccoli to go with my entree. ‘Perfect!’ he said. A nurse read off my blood pressure. ‘Perfect!’ again. When I offered 8:30 as a possible time for an appointment, I heard ‘Perfect!’ over the phone.”

An Open Letter to Christians Who Doubt

This is a compassionate letter to Christians who doubt. “Sometimes doubt comes upon me like a foreboding cold. I wonder if that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.