The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.

I added a few new Kindle deals today and, as always, will keep up the search.

(Yesterday on the blog: Two Ways To Read the Bible)

Encouraging Your Worship Leader

Here are some useful tips on encouraging the person who leads worship at your church. “One morning, after a worship service, a lady approached me and asked, ‘Do you put ketchup on your ice cream?’ Confused, I shook my head, no. ‘Then don’t put drums on my hymns.’ I thanked her for her vivid (even visceral!) metaphor, but her comment misses a very important truth.”

Why Aren’t Complementarians Training Women to Teach and Preach?

This article points out that, especially on the mission field, women are often called upon to teach and preach (in settings that do not involve the presence of men). That being the case, shouldn’t they be taught to do so well? “Many complementarian churches are not training even their most gifted women in how to teach and preach the Bible. They are training their women to value good teaching and preaching from the Bible, and to discern good teaching and preaching from the fluff—and these are very good things.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.