Heath Lambert and the Southern Baptist Convention

Pastor Heath Lambert is in the midst of a series of blog posts about the sexual abuse crisis in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Today, he released Part 2.

While I am not a Southern Baptist, I am a biblical counselor who has written on sexual abuse counseling and who does a great deal of counseling with sexual abuse victims. So I follow these important issues in the SBC with interest.

In Part 2, Heath proposes three tests for discerning and interacting with others about how best to address the SBC’s sexual abuse crisis.

In my post today, I’m connecting one of Heath’s proposed tests to how we relate to and interact with each other in the modern biblical counseling world.

Heath’s Reasonableness Test 

In relationship to the SBC’s sexual abuse crisis, Heath suggests the following. I quote him word-for-word.

The Reasonableness Test

Reasonableness is the ability to see the point of view of another and is a command in Scripture (Philippians 4:5). It is a crucial characteristic when good people debate complex matters. It is absolutely necessary in charting a safe path forward in the SBC on the issue of sexual abuse.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.