My thanks goes to Church Social for sponsoring the blog this week. Church Social keeps churches connected by giving congregations a safe place to communicate, share information, and manage membership online. It is software I can gladly recommend since we use it at my church.

Logos users, March Matchups has come down to its penultimate round, so remember to vote once again.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few more interesting books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Ask Pastor John)

I Believe in the Death of Julius Caesar and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Ides of March provides an opportunity to consider the death of Julius Caesar and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Three Reasons Students and Pastors Shouldn’t Use ChatGPT

“Technology is no mere neutral tool. Indeed, nothing is simply neutral. Every form of technology has latent danger, some much greater than others. And tools like ChatGPT, while they do have a specific role and shouldn’t be universally avoided, they should be very carefully employed for their specific end, if at all.”

The Detail in This New 1.3-Gigapixel Photo of a Supernova Is Incredible

Of course technology also allows us to do and see some wonderful things.

New One


To the full-length post originally published on this site.