Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include some choice titles from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: God Takes Us Into His Confidence)

God Is Good and Does Good—Even in Our Pain

Garrett Kell: “We don’t often question God’s goodness in days of ease. We easily see his benevolence when the sun shines and flowers bloom. But when wintry woes blow in, God’s goodness seems extinct. Dark clouds turn everything to gray. Cold winds of affliction bite and sting us. Our souls become numb in ways that tempt us to give up and withdraw from everyone, including God. The good news is that even when we doubt, our God holds us fast.”

Dear Bride and Groom: A Look to Grace for Newlyweds

Vanessa Le offers some challenging and encouraging words to newlyweds (and not-so-newlyweds).

Sin Won’t Comfort You: How Satan Tempts the Hurting

Marshall Segal considers that “Satan knows how prone we can be to turn to sin in our suffering — and he preys on that weakness.” He does not fight fair!

Worthy of the Gospel

The Bible tells us to be “worthy of the gospel.” But what does this mean and is it really possible?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.