Nate Brooks on David Powlison and Eric Johnson 

This morning on X (Twitter), Nate Brooks posted an insightful thread about humility and charity in biblical counseling. Nate used David Powlison’s interactions with Eric Johnson as an example of humility and charity in biblical counseling.

With Nate’s permission, I am reposting his thread.

Nate’s Thread on Humility and Charity in Biblical Counseling

“A thread on biblical counselors interaction with other approaches to counseling.”

“Starting with Jay Adams, biblical counseling has often had a polemic edge to it. Perhaps such is the case for almost all renewal movements, of which biblical counseling certainly was/is.”

“It’s not difficult to find biblical counseling literature that calls integrationists unfaithful to the gospel, in need of repentance, and deniers of the sufficiency of Christ.”

“One thing I’ve always appreciated about David Powlison was the way he held his convictions. He had strong beliefs, but those beliefs were tempered with the humility to know that he could learn much from others who may disagree.”

“Take a look at Powlison’s endorsement for Eric Johnson’s Foundations of Counseling. While some in the BC world have charged Eric with being unfaithful, this is what David had to say:”

“Eric Johnson

To the full-length post originally published on this site.