Today, the first day of a new month, is a great time to remember this reality: Right now, at this very moment, God is reigning from his throne. All will be well.

Today’s Kindle deals include a batch of books on marriage. That includes one of my favorites: Married for God by Christopher Ash.

(Yesterday on the blog: Have You Become an Amateur Astronomer?)

How Do I Forget My Sinful Past?

John Piper does a wonderful job answering a heartfelt question. “My conscience still haunts me for all the really bad and dumb things I did when I was younger. Does that mean I am not saved? I’ve prayed for forgiveness many times, talked to pastors and even Christian therapists, but I don’t feel forgiven because the guilt is always there, no matter how much I pray and seek God. I feel far from God and not sure what else to do.”

The Left Is Colonizing the Calendar

Denny Burk: “Biden aside, we would all do well to recognize the larger conflict within which ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ is simply a single skirmish. For the truth is this. Whoever owns

To the full-length post originally published on this site.