I am heading off this morning for an extended speaking trip that will take me to Chilliwack and Vancouver, British Columbia, then Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas. I am looking forward to meeting some of you along the way!

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book meant to challenge and encourage perfectionists.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few noteworthy titles. Among them is the helpful And So To Bed…

The Gateway Drug to Post-Christian Paganism

Carl Trueman has a thoughtful piece here about several German theologians who ended up coming to support Hitler. Could the early steps that led to a full compromise have lessons for us?

You and I Probably Would Have Been Nazis

Meanwhile, on a somewhat related note, Samuel James says that you and I would probably have been Nazis if we had lived in Germany in the days of Hitler’s rise and rule. “All variables being equal, you and I would likely have been dutiful members of the Nazi Party, had we been ambitious young adults in 1930s Germany. The question is not ‘why,’ but, ‘Why not?’ The overwhelming majority of

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.