Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent titles like Andrew Wilson’s Remaking the World, Sinclair Ferguson’s The Whole Christ, and the updated edition of Kent Hughes’ Disciplines of a Godly Man.

(Yesterday on the blog: It Begins and Ends with Speaking)

Why My Shepherd Carries a Rod

David Gibson explains why his shepherd, who I trust is also your shepherd, carries a rod. There’s comfort in the metaphor!

When Mandisa Forgave Simon Cowell

I am not really familiar with the Christian musician Mandisa (who recently passed away), but this tribute focuses on a moment of forgiveness.

An Open Mind is Like an Open Mouth

“I hear people speak of having an open mind like it is inherently virtuous to have it perpetually open. But what is the point of an open mind if it never closes on truth?” It’s a valid question, that.

Have you heard of 21Five, Canada’s newest Christian bookstore?

The new Canadian source for gospel-centred books and products, 21Five offers a unique collection of relevant and God-glorifying resources. Shop online at or in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.