Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent titles from Crossway. At the top of the list, I’d put Tom Schreiner’s The Joy of Hearing. It’s a good time to catch up on an excellent and growing series.

A Response to Dr. John MacArthur’s Statement on Mental Health

Last week a video was being passed around that showed some statements by John MacArthur on mental health. I share this well-reasoned response because I think it offers a thoughtful and well-informed model of gracious disagreement. “To be clear, this article is not an attack on the person or character of Dr. MacArthur, a Christian brother for whom I have much respect and who has been a bulwark of solid reformed theology for many decades. Nevertheless, there are several things within the statement that, as a professional working in Christian psychiatry I would like to address…”

How Much Should Churches Pay Their Pastors?

Churches often struggle to know how much to pay their pastors. This article takes an interesting approach, and while the context is Canadian the principles should apply anywhere.

Sustainable Ministry Practices

To the full-length post originally published on this site.