The God of love and peace be with you, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books you will want to consider.

(Yesterday on the blog: Do You Practice?)

How to Love Every Version of Your Wife

Here’s a word for husbands. “To truly love all the versions of your wife, you have to develop endless amounts of grace. Grace is what she needs. It’s what will ease her out of her darker times, what will reassure her when she is afraid, lonely, or lacking in confidence. Grace is what will keep her from withdrawing or collapsing or deciding that you aren’t capable of leading her spiritually.”

A Christian’s Perspective on Artificial Intelligence

“The age of artificial intelligence has dawned upon humanity.” Dustin Ryan gives the lay of the lands and discusses both the potential upsides and downsides of the technology. “This essay will help Christians understand this new technology: its benefits, its risks, and then some guiding principles to consider. In the end, I will argue that AI is a tool that has real dangers—but also very real possibilities for aiding with the Great

To the full-length post originally published on this site.