I am on vacation with my family this week. For that reason, there will be only A La Carte articles from today through Saturday. The normal slate of articles will resume next week.

Today’s Kindle deals include some books that ask and answer important questions.

Without This, Your Marriage Won’t Make It

“Every marriage has elements that produce heat and friction. And unless your marriage is continually bathed with the oil of grace and the ability to forgive one another, you can expect your marriage to seize up, just like an engine that has no oil in the crankcase.”

God Moves Behind the Scenes

“Sometimes it feels as if the world sits on a tinder box, and we wonder at the bigger forces behind the scenes, at the tomorrows that wait for our children and grandchildren. For a nation. For us. Take heart. Trust the One behind the scenes. He is neither surprised nor shaken by crisis. He remains the same faithful, good, and purposeful God to each and every generation.”

Why Are There So Many Denominations?

Why are there so many denominations? This article suggests an

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.