I recently met with a man devastated by the loss of his lucrative job and the career path he so carefully sacrificed for and cultivated. It felt unfair that his rival took the leadership position and laid him off with a minimal severance. Now he’s struggling to concentrate and provide as a day trader, drinking too many days away, completely depressed, and unwilling to leave the house.

Ask any successful businessman; losing your career path that was carefully cultivated for over a decade is a bitter pill to swallow. Some people do better with life transitions, but most struggle to adjust when life turns upside down.

Change is hard, especially change that we didn’t want. Although we all know change is inevitable, we fear unwanted change particularly when painful circumstances bring on the change.

How did Jesus address those experiencing unwanted change?

In part one of this post, we discussed adjustment disorders and shared how unwanted change often causes depression, anxiety, and maladaptive or disturbing behaviors. Jesus talked about these sorts of trials often.

We can be tempted to place the circumstances and people of the Bible in an age so dissimilar to ours that the words of Jesus don’t apply. However, Matthew 8-9

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.