Part 1: Heath and Bob  Series Introduction: Of Zombies and Social Media Dust Ups

A little over a week ago, I saw a Twitter/X tweet from Heath Lambert announcing that he would be sharing a “long-form” podcast/manuscript about the state of the biblical counseling movement. I assumed Heath would be talking about strengths, areas for growth, developments, and a vision for the future. Thinking that, I began assembling a team of biblical counseling leaders to share guest posts for my RPM Ministries Truth & Love blog site so that we would have a spectrum of views on the present state and future vision for biblical counseling.

Well…I in was in for a surprise!

We had just moved from Washington to Florida. Shirley and I were out shopping for furniture when a friend of mine sent me a text image of a zombie! I soon learned this was a reference to Heath’s post, Priests in the Garden, Zombies in the Wilderness, and Prophets on the Wall: The Current State of the Contemporary Biblical Counseling Movement.

This was not your father’s genteel summary of the strengths and weaknesses of biblical counseling. Unless your father was Jay Adams, who, like Heath, was

To the full-length post originally published on this site.