No, the title of today’s post is neither the name of a new music group, nor the start of a joke about “three men walk into a …”

Heath is Heath Lambert. Jay is Jay Adams. Donn is Donn Arms.

Bob and Donn

I’m sure all my readers know who Heath and Jay are. I’m not as sure that all of you know who Donn is. For decades, Donn Arms served as Jay’s right-hand man—no pun intended on “hand” and “arms.”

I’ve had several private interactions with Donn over the past twenty years. Though our personalities are quite different, and though the way we communicate our biblical counseling convictions can differ, I have always appreciated that I knew exactly where Donn stood. I have appreciated that Donn really listened to me and did not seek to mischaracterize my views. I have always appreciated that while Donn can pushback, he is willing to receive pushback also. Donn is open to give-and-take. He doesn’t accuse others of making it personal or being mean just because they disagree with him. I’ve always felt that Donn has been respectful in his interactions with me, and I hope I have always been respectful in my

To the full-length post originally published on this site.