Everywhere there is a growing consensus that Christianity in America is on the wane. Is that a true picture of things?

The answer, of course, is that no one knows.

The reason I say this is because of how the data are gathered–and then reported. Increasingly, all who profess to be Christians, are lumped together. Even some cultists—let alone weird and liberal groups who pretend to be Christians—are labeled and then counted as such. If these are diminishing, then supposedly true Christianity is too. Even if it isn’t.

But if they are not—and there is little reason to believe that they are—then are true Christian churches on the way down?

The fact is, although the groups counted as Christian, groups which are of all colors and stripes, that sort of grouping has been true to some extent for quite some time—at least for a century, so that faulty criteria for determining who is a believer can’t really be the reason for this seeming situation.

What is, then? Nothing. As I said, we have no idea how many genuine Christians there are in America. For that matter, you can’t even be sure about the Christianity of all of those in your

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.