It has been quite a while since I provided a family update, and this seemed like just the time. I guess the leading news here is that Lord willing, I will soon be a grandfather! More on that in a moment.

We have just enjoyed a nice family vacation together. It was a sweet and relaxing time. In some ways, it felt like an especially well-earned vacation since the kids have just finished up school (some forever and some for the year) and Aileen and I have been working hard at home and away. The Lord is kind to give us times of rest.

As soon as the vacation drew to a close, I headed to Albania to speak at a conference here. Beginning today and continuing through the weekend, Alistair Begg and I will be speaking together about the centrality of the local church and the kingdom of God. This is my first time in Albania and I am enjoying getting to know the believers here. This brings my spring conference season to an end, but along the way, I spoke at events in New Jersey, Alberta, British Columbia,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.