I had a wonderful time meeting many believers in Albania over the weekend (and meeting some in Croatia and Montenegro immediately prior to that). What a thrill to see and hear what the Lord is up to all around the world.

(Yesterday on the blog: Comparative Suffering)

What To Do With the Nice Things People Say

Faith Chang: “Because just as we have blindspots that keep us from recognizing our weaknesses, some of us have trouble seeing the good God has entrusted to us and the good he is doing in us. Thus, humility here might look less like deflecting encouragement and more like saying, ‘Perhaps what I am seeing when I look at myself is not the most accurate picture.’ Growth then might begin with learning to believe trustworthy people when they tell us things about ourselves that we wish were true, but we’re not sure are.”

Old Age Syndromes to Avoid

Barbara lists some old age syndromes you will want to avoid.

The amazing navigation skills of the dung beetle

How could you resist clicking when there’s a title like that? This article from Creation.com

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.