Good morning. May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

At Westminster Books this week you can get a discount on the Dream Keeper Saga by Kathryn Butler. You can also get up to 68% off some of their summer reading picks.

Today’s Kindle deals include Jonty Allcock’s Impossible Commands.

A Coward’s Guide to Evangelism

Most of us can be cowardly when it comes to evangelism. Mack Stiles has a good word for us.

The Great Dechurching Will Hurt Poor People

“Churchgoing is good for the poor and vulnerable in a variety of ways: it gives people moral guidance on how to live their lives. It gives them opportunities to directly serve others as a community. It results in tithes that are then spent on a wide variety of charitable works. These things are not salvation, and it is certainly possible for someone to be warming a pew for 50 years without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. But any person is far more likely to find Jesus while nodding off in a pew than watching Netflix in bed.”

The Universal Experiences of Preachers

Reuben Bredenhof writes about some of those experiences that will be near-universal to preachers.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.