A Word from Bob 

Today’s post began as a Twitter/X thread.

Comprehensive Biblical Counseling 

1/ A Thread on Biblical Counseling and the Body, Body/Soul, Embodied-Soul. #BibleCn #BiblicalCounseling #EmbodiedSouls #TheologicalAnthropology #Sufficiency

2/ Premise: Since the Scriptures provide a robust, comprehensive, sufficient, authoritative biblical theology (theological anthropology) of the Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation of the embodied-soul, therefore biblical counselors must be soul physicians of embodied-souls.

3/ For a beginning collation of Scriptures on the CFRC of Embodied-Souls, see, 112 Biblical Passages on Being Embodied-Souls.

4/ Biblical counseling that ignores, neglects, or minimizes the body, body/soul, embodied-soul is less than comprehensive biblical counseling. Some would say this neglect is “gnostic” or “pre-gnostic.” Historically, the more accurate designation would be “platonic” or “neo-platonic” with its false philosophy that only the soul matters (pun intended).

5/ To say that the biblical model of sanctification focuses on the inner man is to separate the inner/outer person in ways that the Bible does not. Sanctification is whole-person sanctification (see Romans 12:1-2, among many passages).

6/ To claim that physiological, biological, embodied-soul interventions is lesser than or less “spiritual” than soul-focused interventions, separates the body/soul in ways that the Bible does not. For biblical foundation see, Of Spirituality

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.