“It is notoriously the case that the outward life of a minister (like the life of any professing Christian) can look one way and the inner reality be substantially different.” – Robert Yarbrough[1]

Before I entered the pastorate, I had marks of Christian character that brothers saw as commendable—hard-working, eager for coaching, zealous for the local church. I loved to hear the Word and to evangelize. My character, however, was lacking.

In those early days of ministry preparation, I needed discipling. I needed an older man to address my decision-making, dating habits, stewardship, and spiritual disciplines. At 21 years old, I pridefully assumed that my shortcomings would iron themselves out over time.

In 1 Timothy 4:16, Paul assumes Timothy’s character will have a tangible impact on the fruitfulness of his ministry. The apostle said, “Pay close attention to your life and your teaching; persevere in these things, for in doing this, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

Our character can be used by God for eternal good—or our lack thereof can wreak havoc. For the sake of you and your future people’s souls, here are three simple ways to attend to your character.

Believe Jesus Loves You

Sometimes, the most

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.