New pastors find themselves in a variety of situations that yield an exorbitant number of questions.

That’s bad news for inexperienced shepherds. But here’s some good news: there are pastors who will sit with you, answer questions, and allow you to observe their faith and practice so you won’t needlessly stumble in the dark. If you’re a new pastor, find one of these pastors! They are vital.

What kind of mentor should you look for? Consider the following.

Find an Exemplary Mentor

When I moved for pastoral training, I began attending a faithful local church that caught my attention with its expositional preaching. I quickly latched on to Pastor Tyler, following him every chance I could get and asking a ton of questions. He was an exemplary model in two ways.

First, he followed Jesus with a holy consistency. The Tyler behind the pulpit was the same man you would find in the coffee shop, at the service planning meetings, and at home with his wife and kids. Second, Pastor Tyler lived with a holy intentionality—with chapter and verse attached to everything he did. He wanted his life to point to God’s Word, desiring that people would know and follow

To the full-length post originally published on this site.