We planted the RAK Evangelical Church in Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates eleven years ago. Since then, I have come to learn personally what I once knew only academically: God’s Word is sufficient to safeguard God’s church—even through the unexpected storms that you and your congregation will endure. Preaching effectively amid trials may seem daunting, but the Lord provides wisdom for how and what to preach.

Prepare by Trusting the Sufficiency of Scripture

Life in our fallen world is turbulent. Some members will be diagnosed with cancer, grieve over wayward children, or see new and wicked laws threaten their job security. Like people preparing for a hurricane with sandbags and boarded windows, pastors must ready their people for the storms that Scripture promises are coming (1 Pet. 4:12, Rom. 8:18).

The best way to prepare is to steadily exposit the Word of God in your sermons and Bible studies. Our preaching ministries should not just react to disappointment and tragedy. We should proactively apply God’s enduring Word to the real and specific struggles of our members. The best time to prepare your people for suffering, persecution, or cultural marginalization is before they face them. The first time your people reckon with the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.