If everything in a church needs to change, where should a pastor start? I want to offer a convictional testimony for making the Bible the main course on Sunday. Every other change should follow.

When I arrived at my church, it had a solid theological foundation, a history of expository preaching, and a membership that was eager to serve. Still, it was awash with so much transition that every ministry was crying for attention. As the new pastor, the situation felt overwhelming. But I was convinced that the table we set on Sunday would determine the whole ministry, and our main course had to be the Word of God.

Preach the Word

What a preacher does on Sunday with the Bible will determine how the rest of the church will treat the Bible. Thin sermons, thin church. Robust sermons, robust church. Therefore, if I don’t shape my week around study and preparation, I will be dominated by other urgencies, leading to inconsistent and insignificant exposition.

Prioritizing Sunday’s exposition has been the catalyst of comprehensive change. A growing disparity between how the Word was handled in the sermon and how it was handled in other areas of ministry became evident. As

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.