The life cycle of a church includes a number of memorable milestones. One is pastoral transition. The longer a pastor has provided leadership, the more challenging the transition can be. That’s why it’s important to think carefully about how to navigate such waters.

I became pastor of my former church at the age of 27. Surrounded by a strong group of elders, I served the church for the next 39 years. Although it was difficult to imagine doing anything else, I knew that eventually I would need to step aside and allow the church to prosper under new leadership. But how would I go about that?

Transition Priorities

As I reflect upon the transition process we experienced, there are several key principles that came to the forefront.

Number one, I was committed to “finishing well.” In the strength of God’s grace, I wanted to sprint to the finish line, not just coast in that direction. I wanted my final years to be fruitful, not a self-absorbed “victory lap.”

Number two, I gave the church plenty of time to plan well for the transition. I offered the session (what we Presbyterians call our board of elders) a plan for my final

To the full-length post originally published on this site.