There’s a time to pastor and a time to rest.

Thirty-three years ago, in January of 1991, my wife Sue and I moved with our four children to Burlington, Vermont. After nearly two years of recruiting, Christ Memorial Church was born on September 13, 1992. It was a time to pastor.

In the fall of 2021, after leading the church for over thirty years, I turned over the reins to my successor. It was a time to rest.

But how does one stop doing what he has loved for over three decades and spent most of his life preparing for? How does one who witnessed the birth of something so glorious walk away? How do you fight the good fight for so long and then retreat from battle?

Simply put, you don’t. Not when you know countless souls are still headed for hell. Not when you hear of churches struggling with barely a pulse. Not when scores of church buildings are being converted to condos and delis and town meeting halls in your neighborhood, and throughout New England and the Northeast. You don’t when there is still juice in the tank to serve.

How can the proverbial old dog learn

To the full-length post originally published on this site.