The Lord be with you and bless you today, my friends.

(Yesterday on the blog: Young Man, Don’t Even Make that First Sports Bet)

The Blessing of Constant Curiosity

Scott is right that constant curiosity is a great blessing. “Curiosity keeps life from becoming boring and monotonous. Even as we crank through multiple weeks in a row of following the same daily routine, if we are.”

Church Discipline in the Digital Age

“For life in the church, things aren’t much different today than they were in the days that Paul wrote 1 Corinthians: the unbelieving world looks on and into the church and sees a group of hypocrites in part because we so often fail to discipline the church and in part because, when we do, we are prone to butchering people. If we want to be faithful to our mission as Christ followers, church discipline is simply not optional.”

Don’t Be Too Easy to Join

T.M. Suffield explains why your church isn’t too easy to join. “You cannot welcome people without a threshold for them to come over. If joining your church doesn’t mean anything—if there are no duties to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.