Westminster Books is offering a discount on a new book for kids that is part of what they say is one of their all-time favorite series. In fact, the whole series is on sale.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles. And, as always, I will check again first thing in the morning.

Does Bach’s Music Prove the Existence of God?

Trevin Wax considers the argument for the existence of God that goes like this: “There is the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Therefore there must be a God.”

Living From Approval, Not for Approval

“Let me ask you a question: What do you think God feels about you right now?” Dave Harvey wants you to remember that you live from approval, not for approval.

Love (All) Your Neighbors: A Surprising Test of True Faith

“If you want to see someone’s spiritual sincerity … don’t mainly watch him in church. Watch him with his children. Watch him at work. Watch him in traffic. Watch him when offended. For you will know him by his neighbor-love.”

Do You Have the Support You Need to Grow?

Casey borrows

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.