The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Whole Batch of New Books for Kids)

3 Steps to Find Your Voice (And Why You Should Start Now)

This is quite a helpful article on finding your voice—which is to say, on becoming a writer. It is framed around three practical steps: “Collect dots, connect dots, and communicate the connection.”

What I Wish You Understood About the Ethnic-Specific Church

I am accustomed to hearing that ethnic-specific churches are an unwise choice for Christians. I benefited from reading this alternate perspective. “Our decision raised a series of questions and even some accusations from others. As we interacted with those who questioned our decision, we identified a number of false notions that are often held about the ethnic-specific church. Here, I will seek to clarify some misunderstandings and correct some misconceptions about the ethnic-specfic church.”

Seven Things Good Dads Say

Chap Bettis lists and describes them.

One Day Leads to Another

“I have learned over the years to temper my expectations about what can actually be accomplished in a single day. I’m not proud

To the full-length post originally published on this site.