The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 

I continue to add Kindle deals most days. We are spoiled to have access to so many good books at so low a cost! Be sure to consider David Gibson’s Living Life Backward.

(Yesterday on the blog: Do You Envy the Wicked?)

How to Support the Caregivers in Your Church

Simonetta Carr offers some helpful words on supporting the caregivers in your church. “Mine is just one of many stories of caregivers looking for support in their churches. Their needs are as varied as their circumstances, but they all long for lasting encouragement and true understanding.”

The Man Who Introduced American Evangelicals to C. S. Lewis

Justin Taylor doesn’t update his blog all that often, but when he does he always has something good to say. In this article, he introduces the man who was responsible for introducing American Evangelicals to C.S. Lewis.

The Cost of Discipleship Pales in Comparison to What We Gain in Following Jesus

Jesus tells his followers to take up their cross and follow him. Randy Alcorn says, “This is arguably the single greatest—and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.