Logos’ Blue Friday sale continues today and wraps up this weekend. If you’re a Logos user, you’ll definitely want to give it a look. Some new deals will drop today (though possibly not until a bit later in the morning).

Today’s Kindle deals include a radical and comprehensive call to holiness.

Neil Postman on Words and Images: An Antidote to Truth Decay

Douglas Groothuis doesn’t hold back when he says “most Americans are well-informed, hyperactive ignoramuses. They are information-rich, information-ravenous, and knowledge-deprived.”

Debunking the 1946 Myth: The Bible and Homosexuality Explained (Video)

Christopher Yuan debunks the oft-repeated 1946 myth.

The Crimson Worm (Psalm 22) 

Some living things, even ones we consider insignificant, can point us to the person and work of Jesus in surprising and amazing ways. The crimson worm is one of these lowly but unique creations. About seven millimeters long, the crimson worm is barely longer than the width of a pencil eraser. You might call it minimal, minor, miniature, or minuscule. But God created the crimson worm to have a life cycle that points us to one event: Jesus’ saving death on the cross. (Sponsored)


To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.