From time to time I like to share an example of a Pastoral prayer that was prayed during a Sunday morning service at Grace Fellowship Church. This one comes from pastor Paul Martin and is based loosely on Psalm 27.


Promise-keeping, ultra-reliable, fully-engaged God, You are our salvation. You provide nothing but Truth to us.

Who are we supposed to be afraid of if you are ours? We admit we have many enemies. Satan is here. We are not sure how he will attack us, but we know he is in this world and hates us. The world is around us. With all if its selfishness and deception and vainglory tempting us. And our flesh. Oh, our flesh. So much of us is still so drawn to evil. But, even if all three of these enemies and the full complement of wicked demons should rise against us, we will be confident. Because YOU are on our side.

One thing we ask, O God. Let us see more of you. We want cleaner glimpses of the invisible God. We want to spend all of our days gazing upon your beauty and meditating on your ways.

But these enemies distract, discourage and even

To the full-length post originally published on this site.