It doesn’t matter a bit what you call it, the Bible is clear about what it calls it—and leaves no doubt. Sin is “sin.” You can’t cover sin from God’s eyes (or from the eyes of a biblically-astute counselor) no matter what terms you may use to describe it. Sin is “sin.” But what is sin? In the eyes of some it is transgressions against another human being. Is that sin? Yes, but not primarily so. Sin is first, and foremost an offence against a holy God Who will not allow you to mislabel it. When the Lord Jesus) gave us the parable of the Sought-and-Found son (Luke 15) He put into the mouth of the repentant prodigal these words: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and you.” There is the two-fold nature of sin. All sin against another human being is also a sin against God.

Again, what is sin? John says that sin is “lawlessness.” And that is precisely the nature of much sin today—believers who disregard the commandments of Christ (Mt 28:20) and do as they please. In effect sin is saying to Him, “Don’t You know that you’re standing in my way? Step aside! I want

To the full-length post originally published on this site.