When visiting a far-off church, I met a man who, with sadness, told me about his father’s final sermon. A lifelong pastor and preacher, his father had withdrawn from full-time ministry several years prior, but still preached from time to time. On this Sunday he took to the pulpit, read his text, and gave his introduction. And then he gave his introduction again and seemed ready to give it a third time before the elders graciously intervened. With love, they led him back to the pews and later explained that his days as a preacher would have to come to a close. It was a sad end to a faithful ministry.

The whole world recently witnessed an example of a man who showed evidence of being well into the decline from which no man recovers. It became clear that he is not the man he once was or even the man he thinks he still is. As I watched that sad spectacle, I was reminded of several people I have known who, like that old pastor, headed into a time of decline in which their abilities and capacities began to diminish. I suspect you have

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.