The Bible on Biblical Counseling

In April of 2024, the Association of Biblical Counselors published my latest book: 

Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words.    

As the title and subtitle suggest, both parakaleo and noutheteo are important biblical words for biblical counseling.

Yesterday, I shared an excerpt from my book:

12 Reasons Parakaleo Provides a Comprehensive Summary of Biblical Counseling

Today, I’ll share another excerpt from Parakaleo and Noutheteo. Our focus:

How does the Bible compare the significance of parakaleo and noutheteo for developing a model of biblical counseling?

The Noutheteo Word Group Is an Important Ministry Term 

In theology, we learn of the verbal, plenary inspiration of Scripture. Every word of Scripture is important because every word in God’s Word is inspired—breathed out—by God.

So, even if noutheteo and nouthesia were each only used once, they would be God-breathed words of importance. Since we find noutheteo 8 times in the New Testament and nouthesia 3 times, these concepts are biblically important—to God and to us.

The Specific and Limited Biblical Context for Nouthetic Ministry 

The New Testament uses the noutheteo word group in specific ministry settings related to:

Cautionary instruction. Words of warning to ward off wandering.

Noutheteo was used exclusively in the contexts of:

Potential external

To the full-length post originally published on this site.