It’s a question I encounter often: How can I read more? Or in a similar vein, how can I come to enjoy reading enough that I do more of it? How can I become a committed reader?

There is nothing intrinsically valuable in reading, of course. There is no innate benefit in simply picking up any book and working your way through it. Yet there is tremendous benefit in reading good books and a lot of pleasure to be found in reading interesting ones. While my reading habits tend to ebb and flow, varying between moderate and voracious, I have been a committed reader from my youngest days. And to maintain my interest, I have found it helpful to divide books into three broad categories: slow, fast, and fun.

The first category is books to read slowly. These are the books that we want to retain so they make a long-term impact on our lives. This means we need to read them carefully. We need to linger over them, ponder them, and apply them. We probably need to read them slowly and even repeatedly, capture some highlights, and jot down some notes. We

To the full-length post originally published on this site.