The God of peace be with you today.

Want Connection? Try Commitment

This is an important one! Casey explains how connection depends upon commitment. “Over the course of my ministry in the local church, I’ve occasionally heard complaints from people who say they ‘don’t feel connected.’ Honestly, it’s usually a frustrating conversation for me because I don’t know how to make someone feel differently about something.”

Prayer Postures in the Bible

Does it matter what posture you use when you pray? “Let me list out … prayer postures you might try that I’ve found in the Bible, since there is such a variety in the Bible itself, with the goal of helping you grow in your times of prayer.”

When Your Mind Gets Stuck

Ed Welch offers help for those times when your mind just gets stuck.

7 Essential Things to Know about the Holiness of God

As the title says, here are seven essential things to know about God’s holiness.

Fading with Age

Barbara writes about some of the hardships (and some of the benefits) of aging.

Does God Care About How I Work?


To the full-length post originally published on this site.