I Love to Read 

Ever since I was able to read, I have loved to read. Whether it was the First-Grade-Readers (“See Spot Run”) or elementary school baseball biographies (“The Say-Hey Kid!”), or science fiction when I was in high school, or theologians in Bible college, or commentaries and counselors when I was in seminary, I have always loved to read.

I still love to read. And I still love the feel of a “real” book—paper, not Kindle, not Logos. (I know, I’m a “dinosaur.”)

If you were to see any book that I’m currently reading, you would quickly see dog-eared corners on many pages along with yellow highlighting on almost every page.

I Love to Learn 

I read broadly.

When I read non-fiction, I read people I agree with and people I disagree with. I read people “inside my “camp.” I read people outside my “camp.”

I read people from within my theological tradition and people outside my theological commitments. I read biblical counselors, Christian integrative counselors, Christian psychologists, trauma-informed therapist, non-trauma-informed therapists, secular counselors, believing neuroscientists and unbelieving neuroscientists.

I highlight as many comments in books by authors I disagree with as I do authors I agree with.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.