Of all the Christian disciplines, it is my guess that meditation may be the least practiced—though I suppose fasting might have something to say about that. Most people diligently make time to read the Bible and pray. And yet, while most people have good intentions when it comes to meditation, it so often seems to get displaced. After all, life is busy, the world is noisy, and meditation is a challenge.

But I wonder if part of the problem is that we have made meditation too difficult. I wonder if we’ve made it a little too abstract, a little too inactive, and perhaps a little too solitary.

What is meditation? Meditation is pondering the words of the Bible with the goal of better understanding and sharper application. Ideally, meditation leads us to understand the words we have read and to know how God may call us to work them out in our lives. It is one of the ways that we output wisdom after inputting knowledge.

Most often we associate meditation with solitude and silence—sitting quietly and alone with an open Bible as we prayerfully ponder the words we are reading.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.